What is mask-ne?
Mask-ne is acne caused by wearing a mask frequently, especially in people who normally wouldn’t develop acne. It is caused by friction, heat, moisture, and clogged pores.
To keep your skin healthy and avoid getting mask-ne, follow these five tips!
1. Squeaky clean.
Wash your face every morning and night. This will help keep your skin fresh and clean from the excess oil and sweat that buildup under the mask.
2. Scrub, scrub.
Make sure you exfoliate 2-3 times a week to get rid of dead skin cells and buildup, keep your skin glowing and prevent acne.
3. Keep It Light
After washing your face, apply a light moisturizer and sunscreen.
4. Keep it natural.
Avoid putting on full coverage foundation and concealers and aim for light skin tinters and BB creams. Makeup not only builds up on the inside of your mask, creating future acne, but mixed with the trapped heat can increase the chances of zits.
5. Keep it Clean.
Make sure you are washing your mask every few days with a gentle detergent (although every day is better!).
2919 N. Lexington Dr., Suite 103, Janesville, WI 53545 | 608-756-0307
Mon-Thu 9am-9pm | Fri 9am-5pm | Sat 8am-2pm | Sun By Appointment